Sometimes I wish I lived in a more picturesque, hilly and interesting landscape. Lincolnshire is so flat and often boring but it does have the most amazing, wide open, beautiful skies.
I spent this afternoon with some lovely friends, eating roast chicken and yorkshire pudding and sipping merlot, vin rouge. They left around 6pm and although I had enjoyed a wonderful afternoon with them, I suddenly panicked and realised there was only one daylight hour left of the weekend. While Paul was feeding Fin his tea, I snook out the door with my iPod and escaped on to the West Common.
The sunset was stunning, the evening sky was open wide, salmon pink and inky blue. The wind whipped gently around me and as I walked and sang (probably slightly out of tune with my white ear phones plugged in) I met with God and my heart was lifted - I was suddenly grateful for everything God had given me. I sat in the middle of a grassy patch and watched some power kiters enjoy the wind, I thought about sabbath and rest and play. I felt refreshed and inspired!
I thought about thinking a little bit more and a little bit deeper on the subject but was interrupted by an excitable little black dog who bounded over and licked my face (yuk) so I laughed and stood up and went back home just in time for Fin's bath and just as the orange sun disappeared behind a smokey cloud in the huge Lincolnshire sky.
I love my home in Flat-Land and I love my God who created the sky and rest and playtime. yay!